

Ministry of SMEs and Startups Selects 20 Companies for Preliminary Unicorn Guarantee Support


Ministry of SMEs and Startups Selects 20 Companies for Preliminary Unicorn Guarantee Support 


The Ministry of SMEs and Startups announced on Monday that it has selected 20 preliminary unicorns (enterprise value of more than 100 billion won to less than 1 trillion won) for special guarantee support this year.


The program is part of the "K-Unicorn Project" for venture powerhouses, and selected companies can receive up to 10 billion won in special guarantees from the Technology Guarantee Fund.


The selected companies have been in business for an average of 5.6 years, with an average revenue of 14 billion won and 70 employees last year.


Selected companies include Petpet, which provides pet lifecycle services such as health checkup tools for pets, and Tweeny, which manufactures industrial logistics robots.

